Monday, 25 March 2013

Research in titles

The film titles are very important as they need to blend with the genre and the theme. The images above are films, which are a thriller crime genre.  They all use black backgrounds to keep the film mysterious and they all have very little colour. We have tried to make out film opening title like the images above.            

Our film title:

Analysis on questionnaire

This is the questionnaire that we created and sent out towards other students between the ages of 16-18.
The results show that out of the 17 answers we had, 12 of the responses was from females; we may need to send this questionnaire to some more people who are male to receive  more accurate data.

  From the results that we receive  the 5 most common genre out age group likes to watch is: Comedy, Action, Thriller, Adventure and Horror, which Comedy being our top result.
Based on the results we received, we decided to do Thriller genre, which is very popular for our age group but add an element of 'Crime' to make the film opening different to other films which targets the same audience.

Research into film openings

The film opening i'm analyzing is 'Red Lights'. The video is not  inserting for an unknown reason so I have left link below:

The hook within this sequence is the male character, which is the only character shown. He’s is only shown for a few seconds and he is surrounded by some technology which makes the audience curious of who he is and what he is doing. The last few seconds show that it’s set in a city, and the constant images of the lights suggest that the film is constantly moving around different parts of the city.
The images of pictures and the ‘black and white’ setting suggest that it’s in past tense. The images of the skulls and hands suggest that the film is thriller. The only colour which is shown is through the lights, which suggests death and blood, also linking to thriller genre. The font of this opening sequence is white, which are in capitals, which doesn’t give too much away to the audience. The only colour which is shown is red, which suggests blood and killing, also linking to a thriller/crime genre.
The sequence has a lot of straight cuts, which increases the pace and suggest that a lot is going to happen. The camera is shaky, which also suggests the genre of the film. The music is very earry, which builds tension and encourages the audience to keep watching. 

The reason I used this specific film is that the genre it similar to our film opening. This film opening, in comparison to our, are similar as one of the main character is only shown for a few seconds and is hidden, which is the same for Red Lights.  

Monday, 18 March 2013


We have finished film our video but we may need to re film some part as we have spotted a continuity error. We still need to do more on editing as we have to re arrange some of our titles and cut some of our current footage. We hope to achieve this by the next week


The setting our our film idea has two different settings:

- inside the female character house when she is preparing to leave the house
- outside of the female characters house where the mysterious hides from the female character, the last scene ends with this setting

The first second is located in Mikalah's house and the second setting is located outside her house.

Costume Design

The costume design our character in our last idea is still the same as we have used some of the footage we have for that previous idea. For out new idea, we have added a second character and their costume if black trousers, a black hoodie and some black shoes. They have a prop with them which is some files about the other character which contains her personal information.

Music Choice

We have decided to go back to old song choice which is a cover of 'Paramore - Decode' as we think this fits into the genre of out film opening.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Editing and Camera Research

Editing Research

'Se7en' editing is very good; a majority of the editing is straight cuts. There are very short durations between the straight cuts, to build tension for the audience. The editing tends to the fade and flicker between different scene, but quickly which also build tension.

Camera Work

A majority of the camera in 'Se7en' is extreme closes up, showing that the director wants the audience to focus on documents and what the unknown character is doing. This builds tension for the audience, linking to the genre.

Soundtrack Research

Soundtrack for the opening of the film is essential as it reflects the genre of the film and sets a certain atmosphere.

The Dark Knight Rises

In 'The Dark Knight Rises', there is a lot of tension created through the soundtrack. The soundtrack does not contain any lyrics, which makes the audience focus more on the whats being shown yet it still creates an atmosphere. A majority of the pace is face, but there are some elements where the pace has been shown which creates tension.

Panic Room

In 'Panic Room', the soundtrack is parallel; pace is slow through the opening sequence which creates this ongoing suspense for the audience

Friday, 8 March 2013

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Title Sequence

The Ward Title Sequence 

This image shows the title sequence of The Ward. This shows the times the film has used to view the credits, and when they added the soundtrack.

Our Title Sequence


Thriller Sub Genres

Sub genre is taking a genre and placing it into a more specific category. Sub genres all have the same 'theme', but have different elements. Examples of sub genres include: conspiracy, crime, political, psychological and techno.

Conspiracy Thriller: This is when the hero/heroine investigates and confronts a large organisation or government. Examples of conspiracy thrillers include: In the Line of Fire, Awake and The Da Vinci Code.

Crime Thriller: This is when a series of failed of success crime events. Crime thrillers usually focus on the criminals and their activities rather the policeman/ police force. Examples of crime thrillers include: Se7en, Inside Man and Collateral.

Political Thriller: When the hero/heroine ensures the stability of the government that employs them to prevent serious situations from happening. Examples of political thrillers include: The Interpreter, State of Play and Proof of Life. 

Psychological Thriller: When the main character is conflicts a situation that effects them mentally and emotionally rather than physically. The suspense from psychological thrillers usually come form 2 or more characters. Examples include: Panic Room, Cape Fear and Psycho.

Supernatural Thriller: When the main characters is involved in 'another world element'; something that is not normal happens to the main characters. Sometimes the protagonist have a psychic ability or superpower. Examples of supernatural thrillers include: What Lies Beneath, The Others and Fallen. 

Techno Thriller:  Where the manipulation of technological resources play an important part in the film. This sub genre usually follows a science fiction trend.Examples of techno thrillers include: Hackers, The Net and The Thirteenth Floor. 

Monday, 4 March 2013

New Film Idea

Our previous video did not have a 'hook' or a story so we have decided to change our film idea which can fit into some of the footage we already have.
Our idea is about a man, who intends of kidnapping his victim because she cheated on him with his best friend.
The stalker is looking through her window from a far distance; he carries some files with him, containing a picture of the girl and the reason for the kidnapping.
When she walks out her door, she walks down the street and turns back a few times but couldn't see anyone there.
The film sequence ends with the stalkers rushing towards her from behind and putting his hand over her mouth to prevent screaming.